Agreement with Appraisal Property Management Sdn Bhd

BackNov 04, 2022
Type Announcement
Subject OTHERS

Salcon Berhad ("Salcon" or "the Company")

- Agreement with Appraisal Property Management Sdn Bhd


Salcon is pleased to announce that Eco-Coach & Tours (M) Sdn Bhd (“ECT”), a 51.3% owned subsidiary of Salcon Capital Sdn Bhd, which in turn is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company had on 29 October 2022, entered into an Agreement  with Appraisal Property Management Sdn Bhd (“APM” or "Principal" ) to provide safe and punctual transportation services to the employees of APM’s clients (“Client”) at all sites (“Services”)  according to their specific timetable the service routes and its changes of which shall be subject to the approval of APM and Client.


Please refer to the attachment for further details. 


Announcement Info

Stock Name SALCON
Date Announced 04 Nov 2022
Category General Announcement for PLC
Reference Number GA1-01112022-00060


  1. Salcon_Agreement_with_APM.pdf (Size: 156,117 bytes)