Changes in Director's Interest (S135) - Dato' Dr. Freezailah Bin Che Yeom

BackJul 11, 2014

Particulars of Director

Name Dato' Dr. Freezailah Bin Che Yeom
Address 6 Jalan Kent Enam,
Off Jalan Maktab
54000 Kuala Lumpur
Descriptions(Class & nominal value) Employees' Share Options

Details of changes

Currency: Malaysian Ringgit (MYR)

Type of transaction
Date of change
No of securities
Price Transacted (RM)


Description of other type of transaction Exercise of share options under Employees' Share Option Scheme
Circumstances by reason of which change has occurred
Nature of interest Direct
Consideration (if any)  

Total no of securities after change

Direct (units)  
Direct (%)  
Indirect/deemed interest (units)  
Indirect/deemed interest (%)  
Date of notice 11/07/2014


Announcement Info

Company Name SALCON BERHAD  
Stock Name SALCON    
Date Announced 11 Jul 2014  
Category Changes in Director's Interest Pursuant to Section 135 of the Companies Act. 1965
Reference No CK-140707-8B369